

The Cosmotypes create a meeting place where chaos connects to order and light is born from the void of blackness. I often wander into the space of the unknown, asking questions about the nature of existence. Humanity’s identity is entangled in the mysteries of the cosmos and the fixation to make the unknown known. In this work I am asking, where did we come from, why are we here, and who/what created the universe. The origin story of humanity has yet to be uncovered. These images act as visual metaphors imagining the beginning, middle, and end of time. Starting with the void, I imagine the power needed to make something out of nothing. My existence enables me to form new universes and thus, I reclaim the void of nothingness as a space of creation, a space of origin, and a space of power.

Using camera-less techniques, I create a variety of collodion plates on metal that reflect the creation of the cosmos. The plates start out blank (a black surface), then get coated and processed so that its surface becomes light sensitive. The final product is a photogram of light and shadow. Stars are born from the light directed onto the surface of the plate. Light spills and reflects, creating gaseous forms that mimic nebulae, supernova explosions, and celestial bodies. Starting from nothing, I create a plane of existence in which form and matter are born from darkness and light.